The name says it all: "Turning Point" is the title of the new exhibition by Izvor Pende at Galerie Koch. And this is a turning point in the work of the Croatian artist.
The most striking difference is the change from figurative and landscape representations to abstraction. Gone are the days of the sky, the horizon and the water, as well as the always somewhat melancholy female figures have completely disappeared. This is accompanied by an expansion of the color palette: dominated earlier blue-gray-silvery nuances, crashes now even a fussy orange in the usually quite large screen.
The radical change is by no means to the detriment of the works. Of course, they have become more difficult to define, but also more complex. In the literal sense of the word, as Pende creates interesting tensions between area and space on one side, surface and line on the other. Does not it seem like a glimpse here, a kind of crack to be recognized there? In addition, organic-looking structures repeatedly encounter strict stripe structures, creating more attractive contrasts.
In some cases, the pictures seem a little overloaded - one is even more colorful than strong in color - but never arbitrary. And they do not exhaust themselves so quickly: You can immerse yourself in this painting and let the associations flow. Not all works have titles, but if they are, they are so ambiguous that they do not unreasonably restrict viewing: "All the Way Down", "Diabolik", "The Seventh Continent" ...
Pende did well that he dared the radical outbreak of once found funds - there are enough examples of colleagues who this is not convincing and not even succeeded. In any case, indications of a break in the career seem to be left out: next year, Pende will be represented at the important Venice Art Biennale.