Common Dates: Afro-Turkish Portraits Exhibition
But Dergisi, 05/15/2017
Galeri Eksen
"Ortak Tarihler: Afro-Turk Portreler"
(Shared Histories: Afro-Turkish Portraits)
Istanbul, Turkey
May 15 - 17, 2017
Michael Dixon, a hybrid American artist and scholar, is investigating the complex identities of African-Turkish Turks through prima oil paintings. The first gallery exhibition in Turkey, in Istanbul's Nisantasi will be held on 15-17 May at the Axis Gallery.
Common Dates: Afro-Turkish Portraits are the first part of an international project to be exhibited in Izmir and Istanbul in May. Michael Dixon, a hybrid American artist and scholar, is investigating the complex identities of African-Turkish Turks through prima oil paintings. The first gallery exhibition in Turkey, in Istanbul's Nisantasi will be held on 15-17 May at the Axis Gallery.
She is known for her provocative cultural identity research on oil on canvas and has exhibited at prestigious international art venues in New York, Washington, Bosnia, Palestine, South Africa and France. He describes this project as the opportunity to visualize people who do not have much room in visual culture and to create a space for their experiences.
Afro-Turks are a part of the Anatolian history, which remained mostly invisible, but also before the Ottomans; The work of academic researchers, the African Anatolian Solidarity Association (Ortaca / Mugla) and the efforts of groups such as Africans Cultural Solidarity and Solidarity Association (Izmir) and as a result of projects funded by the United Nations began to see more attention in recent years.