Common Dates: Türk Afro-Turkish Portraits Ortak
Nisantasi News, 05/15/2017
Galeri Eksen
"Ortak Tarihler: Afro-Turk Portreler"
(Shared Histories: Afro-Turkish Portraits)
Istanbul, Turkey
May 15 - 17, 2017
American hybrid artist and scholar Michael Dixon , this works in the African origin of the Turks are questioning the complex identities with alla prima oil painting.
Her works on oil on canvas are exhibited and exhibited at prestigious international art venues such as New York, Washington, Bosnia, Palestine, South Africa and France.
According to the artist, who defined this design as tarih an opportunity to visualize people who cannot find much space in visual culture and create a voice for their experiences layan, layan Afro-Turks are a part of the history of Anatolian history dating back to the Ottomans. 's encouragement and investment opportunities began to attract more attention ...