Farrell describes her iPad video work as follows: “These images reveal my exploration of the wide-ranging reach of the iPad. This includes photography, native-to-the-device drawing and drawing on paper, image manipulation, 3D graphics and the imaginative, unbounded combination of all these methodologies. Sometimes the work feels sculptural, almost physical as one manipulates the image elements directly with ones fingers. The inclusion of all these techniques under one roof, available at the touch of a finger, is new and it has become a fully integrated component of the creative process.”
After graduating from St. John’s College in Annapolis, Anne Farrell studied painting with John Fick in Santa Fe and printmaking at the University of Colorado. Her interest in computer graphics led her to the pioneer video artists Steina and Woody Vasulka, founders of the influential new media platform in New York, The Kitchen. Farrell was the founding chair and faculty of the Media Arts Department at Santa Fe Community College. She is currently a member of the Meow Wolf Art Collective, collaborating on the permanent installation The House of Eternal Return.