David Richard Gallery | New York - The Santa Fe Art Project - Part 2 - Curated by Dav


The Santa Fe Art Project - Part 2 - Curated by David Richard Gallery

Featuring Chris Collins, Anne Farrell, Garrett Koch, Daisy Quezada, Martin Rixe, Cara Romero, Nico Salazar, Chase Stafford

September 28 - October 15, 2016

The Santa Fe Art Project - Part 2 - Curated by Dav

The inaugural edition of The Santa Fe Art Project is a multi-faceted showcase of visual arts creativity not necessarily born, but certainly bred in “The City Different.”  It is a collaborative effort between curators and artists seeking to demonstrate the cutting-edge side of Santa Fe.  Nearly 50 artists will be participating in a eight-week-long event, exhibiting painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, video and new media art.


Partial funding was granted by the City of Santa Fe Lodgers Tax, www.Santafe.org