Artists often use the color red in their artworks, intentionally, to evoke a range of emotions and meanings. Even if the use of a color was not intentional, the effect can be the same depending upon the context and other imagery and substance within the composition. Thus, color is a succinct and efficient way to provide content and target emotions visually in a range of different artworks, aesthetics, and art historical periods.
The power of semiotics has been long known, appreciated, and utilized. At the core in regard to art, semiotics deals with the meaning in signs, symbols, and iconography. Colors are signs and individually can trigger specific emotions and powerful reactions. That is why they are such potent communicators and widely used in marketing, advertising, and any other activity that might be suggestive, leading and /or subversive.
Consider idioms, which are not the same, but operate culturally in an interesting and similar way. Idioms are phrases with two or a few words in a short phrase that mean something specific and is understood broadly, yet none of the individual words has any relationship to the understood meaning. The best example is, “raining cats and dogs”. Clearly, the two species of animals have never fallen from the sky but just imagine if they did—you get the impact and powerful picture. The use of the word red in a phrase has a specific meaning by virtue of culture and frequent common usage, consider the following examples of a phrase and implied meaning.
red herring – misleading information intended to distract
in the red – having debts, not profitable
red handed – caught in the act of something wrong
red face – blushing and/or embarrassed
red flag – warning sign of trouble or danger
red tape – excessive bureaucracy and rules
red eye – extreme anger
red letter day – memorable or happy occasion
roll out the red carpet – meeting someone formally
paint the town red – going to bars and clubs
red light district – an urban area with sex clubs and shops
red alert – warning of impending danger