Celebrating the Earth’s Continual Inspiration For These Artists:
Phoebe Adams
Isaac Aden
Rebecca Allan
Dean Fleming
Sonia Gechtoff
George Hofmann
Forrest Moses
Arlo Namingha
Dan Namingha
Michael Namingha
John F Simon, Jr.
William Staples
Laura Watt
Artist’s have been inspired by the earth since the beginning of time. Many artists like to record the landscape with complete accuracy through detailed drawings, paintings and photographs. Through culture and heritage, some artists maintain a special bond with the earth through their beliefs that people are of the earth and return to the earth, it represents the cycle of life and how everything and everyone is connected one to the other in the past, present and future. However, other artists prefer to convey depictions of the earth and landscape in less literal and more abstract terms, providing a way to convey not only how they see the earth, but how they experience the earth.
The selections on this Earth Day span a range of images, influences and inspirations from a diverse array of artists with whom the gallery represents and collaborates.