David Richard Gallery | New York - MARIO YRISARRY

Santa Fe


Stenciled and Sprayed: Paintings from 1961 - 1967

August 4 - September 2, 2017

Opening reception: Saturday, August 5 5:00 - 7:00 PM


Mario Yrisarry stenciled and sprayed his canvases with acrylic paint, exploring non-traditional, non-brush methods of applying pigment during the 1960s and 70s in New York. 

Inspired by jazz music, his linear applications of paint with combinations of hard and soft edges within the same composition created lyrical abstractions, while his canvas-filling patterns produced a rhythm and beat. These approaches crossed over into the Pattern and Decoration movement and garnered him coverage in the Criss-Cross Art Communications. Yrisarry exhibited regularly with Graham Gallery and O.K. Harris Works of Art as well as at the Park Place Gallery in New York.