Featuring artwork by:
John Connell
Lilly Fenichel
Jean-Marie Haessle
Phillis Ideal
Ward Jackson
Jack Jefferson
Matsumi Kanemitsu
Beatrice Mandelmann
Eugene Newmann
Paul Pascarella
Deborah Remington
Louis Ribak
Michio Takayama
A group exhibition featuring Abstract Expressionist paintings from the 1940s and 50s by Lilly Fenichel, Jack Jefferson and Deborah Remington, each affiliated with the San Francisco School of Abstract Expressionism, as well as early and contemporary gestural artwork by a selection of artists from New York, California and Northern New Mexico. The bold, textured gestural stroke, a hallmark of Abstract Expressionist painting, continues to be an essential tool of expression by artists.
This exhibition explores the range of ways in which the gesture has been and continues to be used in painting. These artists use the gesture in a rapid and brushy manner to draw, evoke movement and direction or make a bold and declarative statement, either purely nonrepresentational or in figuration.